Python provides two modules for international sorting the locale and the PyICU both depend on installed system locales (on debian based systems look for dpkg-reconfigure locales). But locale module set the the locale setting for the whole system, instead of intel library PyICU, which can set a locale only for specific function. Because in our threaded web application can be used multiple locales together, the Python locale is no way.
PyICU is a only a thin SWIG generated wrapper above C++ library therefore it's interface is not very pythonic.
I use a function for a sorting key generation because custom comparative function for sort is not supported in Python 3.0 and above. Sorting through a sorting key is also much more efficient.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import PyICU
def getCollate(locale):
def getCollationKey(s):
s = PyICU.UnicodeString(s)
k = icuCol.getCollationKey(s)
return k.getByteArray()
icuLoc = PyICU.Locale(locale)
icuCol = PyICU.Collator.createInstance(icuLoc)
return getCollationKey
names = [u'šárka', u'suzan', u'čech']
print names
In case of error, don't forget to check installed locales in your system.
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